I knew it was going to stir up some emotions when I did my inaugural December listen-through of my favorite Christmas album of all time, AVB's fantastic A Savior Is Born - but I didn't know it would do quite this much to me.
I really miss my family. I knew I would, and I knew it would be especially hard once the holiday season rolled around, but I don't think I'd really let it hit me fully until today... Until I started playing that album that I love so much. See, we always listen to this one (and a few others) as a family, during tree-decorating and during family meals, and during present opening on Christmas Day.
It didn't take more than a few seconds of listening to the first song on the album for me to start bawling. Like, seriously, I'm having trouble seeing the screen here. I didn't really know it was quite this possible to revel in the joy and the feelings I only get when listening to Christmas music and celebrating the meaning of this holiday - while at the same time missing home and family with a sharpness that I haven't really felt since I came here. (Though I did have a little preview of that on Thanksgiving, when I found a beautiful version of the hymn our family always sings together before the Thanksgiving meal, listened to it on Youtube, and cried.)
Man. It's a good thing Skype and Google Hangouts exist. It's a good thing my sister and I aren't going to be all alone for Christmas. And it's a good thing I do love what I'm doing, and I believe it's meaningful and valuable, and that it's exactly what I'm supposed to be doing.
Oh, it's time for "Joy To The World", the best version ever. Excuse me while I smile and go get another tissue. (Decorating our house here helps a little bit.)