It's time for another list of TV favorites. Well, part one of a list, I should say, since I'm going to divide it into Favorite Female Characters and Favorite Male Characters (otherwise the whole list would be far too long and ungainly). I'll start with the women. Though they're numbered, I don't think I can put them in any kind of actual rating order. Most of them are just too awesome for me to choose between. So with that in mind, let me begin.
*NOTE: there are minor
spoilers for the plots of various TV shows contained in this post.
1. Dana Scully, The X-Files
She's smart, she's strong (physically and in all other ways), she's loyal, she thinks deeply, she has a great sense of humor, she's gorgeous... Scully has a lot going for her. Though it took me maybe two episodes of
The X-Files to decide that I loved Mulder (but that's for the next post), I'm pretty sure it took me just a few minutes to decide I loved Scully. (This was even despite her terrible, terrible wardrobe in the first couple of seasons. Ah, early '90s. Not a look I'm very fond of.) As will be true for all of these characters, much of that comes down to Gillian Anderson's pretty much flawless portrayal. We all know that Mulder wouldn't have made it through many more years of his life and his dangerous quest without Scully. But Scully was far from just a sidekick or a love interest for the male lead. Even though she dealt with incredible amounts of pain and heartache throughout the course of the show, she never ceased being awesome - even when the show itself stopped being really great.
I was going to post a single picture of her, but then I decided, why not post this fantastic fan-made video celebration of her awesomeness instead? If you hadn't seen it before, you're welcome.
2. Sydney Bristow, Alias
Okay, I will be the first to admit that this show went crazy off the rails sometime around season 3, and I never saw most of season 5. But as far as I know, they never assassinated the character of Sydney Bristow: sweet, loyal, super-smart, kickass, stunningly lovely, speaks dozens of languages - and oh yeah, a super-spy who can track down and take out the bad guys, fool the other bad guys, change costumes, and then jet across the globe faster than most people can pour themselves a cup of coffee in the morning. (I will also be the first to admit that this show was not what you'd call scientifically accurate in terms of things like time zones.) I actually fell in love with Jennifer Garner's Sydney before many of the other characters on this list, since I saw this show before many of them. She will always have a special place in my TV-loving heart. I think I still have her season 1 opening monologue memorized: "My name is Sydney Bristow. Seven years ago, I was recruited by a secret branch of the CIA called SD-6..."

3. Buffy Summers, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The superheroine above all superheroines. Don't let her blonde hair and cutesy name fool you (although that's part of the point behind the name & look): Buffy has a life role, and that is to save the world from vampires, evil, and the forces of darkness. And she is very able to do so. In fact, in the words of her friends, "She saved the world. A lot." When I watched this show - and whenever I rewatch it - some of my favorite moments were when she displayed her physical Slayer strength. Sure, she's also a teenage girl who thinks about the things that a lot of teenage girls do: whether she can be popular at school, grades, boys, etc. She's also quick with a quip and excellent at bantering. But most of all, she will protect those she loves, and will fight for good, above anything else including her life. She's a hero, you see.
4. Olivia Dunham, Fringe
Oh, how I love Agent Olivia Dunham of the FBI's Fringe Division. She definitely had the worst childhood of anyone else on this list (so far), and despite/because of that, she uses her unique strengths as the driving force behind the efforts to save multiple universes. I loved her before the reveal that she had special abilities, and loved her even more after that. She's another character who not only cares about justice in the larger sense, for the world(s), but is fiercely protective of those she loves. One other small part of the reason I love Olivia is how she develops as a character over the course of five seasons, becoming someone who isn't afraid to take ownership of her abilities, and someone who isn't afraid to express her emotions. I'll be honest: at first I thought Anna Torv was a bit wooden as an actress, but it didn't take long before I saw that this was a deliberate acting choice. She expertly and subtly portrayed a character who doesn't trust easily, and therefore is guarded in front of others.

5. C.J. Cregg, The West Wing
Perhaps the most 'mundane' character on this list, in that the show she's from is a drama rather than sci-fi/fantasy - but that doesn't make her one bit less awesome. C.J. is basically the coolest. She's a woman in the intensely male-dominated world of American politics and the White House, but she holds her own with poise and ease. She's "one of the guys" but doesn't lose an inch of her femininity. As press secretary and then later chief of staff, she's comfortable with her position of power, and confident in that fact as well as the fact that's she's gorgeous. (Although again, season 1 wardrobe was not as kind to her.) Plus her comedic timing is perfect. Allison Janney - whom her co-star John Spencer apparently liked to refer to as "the nearly-perfect Allison Janney" - rules, is what I'm saying in a nutshell.
6. Sarah Jane Smith, Doctor Who
I actually had only seen Sarah Jane in a few episodes of the classic series before she showed up in season 2 of the new DW, in "School Reunion". But I knew enough to be thrilled to see her again! While a reunion between the Doctor and any one of several of his previous Companions could have been excellent, I think Elisabeth Sladen's Sarah Jane was the best choice. "School Reunion" immediately became one of my favorite episodes upon first viewing, and it inspired me to seek out more classic series eps with her and the Third Doctor, as well as the Fourth Doctor of course. You could see the richness of her history with the Doctor, and it didn't require a lot of words from her. Both in the classic and new series, Sarah Jane never stood for any nonsense with the Doctor, but loved him and was loved by him. He couldn't have asked for a better friend, that's for sure. I didn't watch all that many episodes of her spinoff show, but it was certainly well-deserved. I look forward to watching more of her classic series eps in the future.

7. Veronica Mars, Veronica Mars
Another non- sci-fi or fantasy character, but she doesn't rock any less. She's a teen detective, often helping her dad in his PI work as well as taking on cases of her own from classmates. She's intelligent *and* witty - often bitingly sarcastic to anyone she deems worthy of a tongue-lashing. She's also tenacious and persistent to a fault; more than once she pursues an answer to the point that it puts her in danger. Though Veronica has weathered several betrayals in her life, she remains utterly loyal to her loved ones. You can also almost always find her sticking up for the underdog. I appreciate how, over the course of three seasons, Kristen Bell shows us a young woman who continually struggles with trust and how to move past her traumas (or not move past them, as the case may be). And I gotta say, I'm pretty thrilled and excited to see how Veronica has evolved as a character in the years since the show - when the movie comes out next month!! We already know from the previews that she has recognized that private detective work can lead her down an obsessive path, which is why she hasn't indulged in it for years...

8. Seven of Nine, Star Trek: Voyager
This is not a perfect TV show, by any stretch. However, there is no question that it becomes vastly better when Jeri Ryan joins the cast as the ex-Borg drone, Seven of Nine. Like Data in TNG, Seven's journey of discovery/rediscovery of what it means to be human provides many excellent episodes, as well as insights for the audience. She has to decide whether to make a life for herself as a crew member on
Voyager, even though the humans and other races on the ship act illogically and according to their emotions so often. I think my favorite ep of those I have rewatched recently is the one where various personalities of the people Seven helped assimilate while she was Borg start to resurge in her mind ("Infinite Regress", the internet tells me it's called). Jeri Ryan plays a little child, a Klingon warrior, a Ferengi, a Vulcan, and other personalities flawlessly. It's a pleasure to watch her as Seven of Nine, and like nearly everyone else in this list, the lack of awards attention paid to her is a crying shame. But I do feel a bit sorry for her, having heard from behind-the-scenes interviews that her wardrobe as the former Borg drone was just as uncomfortable and inconvenient as it looks!
9. Mary Shannon, In Plain Sight
Full disclosure: I have not watched and probably will not ever watch the last half of the final season of this show, because of rumors I've heard about how it ends. But those rumors don't erase my love for Mary Shannon. She's brash and at least as sarcastic as Veronica, she's strong, she's stubborn, she's funny, and she cares deeply about her family (messed up as they are), her friend (yeah, it's just the one), and the witnesses that are under her protection. Sidenote: starting to see a trend here - all of these women really, really care about/for their families and loved ones. I like that in a person/character. She's also wiser and more caring in general than she thinks she is. Though a major part of the appeal of IPS was the chemistry between Mary McCormack and Fred Weller (as the aforementioned friend), Marshall Mary Shannon was the main character. And as such, she was perfectly imperfect.
10. Dani Reese, Life
On this, one of many shows that ended well before its time, there was still enough time to fall in love with Detective Dani Reese. Reese was initially ... let's say unsure about being partnered with the eccentric former death row inmate Charlie Crews. But her partnership with Crews quickly became very strong - due in large part to their mutual recognition of each others' strengths borne out of the hardships they have endured. She's laconic, a recovering addict, and has daddy issues. She also has a strong moral code, that loyalty that I love so much, and the ability to stand up for herself and for others. And seeing Reese go from a serial one-night-stand-er to someone who seeks out real relationships is also pretty cool - and that's just one of the ways her character grows - of course there are many others. Plus, like many other women on this list, she can give as good as she gets. Whenever anyone does anything she thinks is foolish or annoying (mostly Crews), her look of scorn is a sight to behold.

11. Delenn, Babylon 5
My list would not be complete without this wise, caring, thoughtful, passionate, courageous, spiritual, and of course beautiful character. Yes, she can be headstrong and hot-tempered - sometimes with very far-reaching consequences. But she's also eloquent and driven in pursuit of peace & the best diplomatic solution. She is easily the most far-seeing and boldest of the Minbari, and she stands between the warrior and religious castes perfectly. I don't know anyone who loves B5 who doesn't love the scene where she makes the invading humans retreat from the space station with her, "If you value your lives, be somewhere else!" speech. Awwww yeah. Plus, the various things she has to deal with as she gets used to being part-human range from heartwarming to profound to hilarious. Just one of the fantastic, beautifully-realized characters on B5 - and an excellent showcase for Mira Furlan's talent.
Honorable mentions: Donna Noble from
Doctor Who, and Mrs. Hughes from
Downton Abbey. Both are strong and loyal and brave and awesome, for sure.
Well, I think I remembered all of my top favorites. I expect I'll continue to add to this list as I keep watching excellent TV - or at least I very much hope so! Did I miss any of your favorites?